Tom Ross Williams & Leann O’Kasi
Photographs by Leonard Corfu

 What will it take for us to save ourselves? 

The World We Made is told by Keli and Luke, two students living in 2050. It shows a glimpse of how our lives could be in the future, if we pull together and  change now...before it’s too late. We take a look at 2050 through these students’ eyes and imagine the dramatic events that have got us there. 

This is a story of ordinary and extraordinary people from around the world who together achieve profound change: a Danish scientist, a global pop star, a Canadian truck driver, an African human rights activist, and a community gardener from Yorkshire. 

The journey follows personal and collective challenges, the struggles and losses as well as the enormous achievements, painting a compelling picture of the defining moments, breakthroughs and lifestyle revolutions that have made the world ‘work’ in 2050. Based on extensive factual research from Jonathon Porritt’s seminal book of the same name, The World We Made offers a vibrant and dynamic vision of a world that is still available to us – if we act fast on the radical changes that are needed so urgently today.

This event includes a post show discussion with Jonathon Porritt.

There is more information on the commission here: Change Festival

Show Credits:

The World We Made is a commission by CHANGE Festival with support from The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (University of Surrey), Reboot the Future, the Amersi Foundation and Arts Council England.

Written by
Beth Flintoff 
Directed by
Sophie Austin
Produced by
Becky Burchell
Inspired by
Jonathon Porritt
Set & Costumes by Niall McKeever
Sound by Ellie Isherwood
Lighting and Stage Management by Stella Kailides

Cast - Leann O’Kasi (Keli), Tom Ross Williams (Luke), and Emma Cater (Alex)

Artwork Photo - Kim Hardy. Artwork - Tibor Miklos


WARWICK ARTS CENTRE, 7:30pm, Friday, 18th October
FARNHAM MALTINGS, 8pm, Saturday, 2nd November
GUILDFORD SCHOOL OF ACTING, 7.30pm, Friday 8th November